My Best Friend Wes

Created by Cody 9 years ago
When Wes first moved here my neighbors had a Christmas party and I noticed that he was the newest kid in the neighborhood. I invited him to come hang out with me and we just "clicked" I guess. We both had so many things in common and the next day he invited me to "play". I went over and I was so jealous because he had all of the cool Lego sets that I wanted (remember we were ten at the time). The first time he played piano for me I was shocked because I had no idea he was into that kind of thing because I think he was a little nervous to show me his great talent and still I didn't even know he could sing. I would go over to his house and we would both sit down at the piano and he would look right into my eyes then he would play and sing for me. More recently me and Wes would both pick a random topic and we would just take turns singing our made up lyrics. Wes was always one that I could talk and he was the friend that I could do stupid stuff with. The night before he passed I was at his house and we had an awesome sword fight then we just talked. The conversation may or may not have been about North Korea but I still value that conversation. Then we both just listened to Jason derulos song trumpets and that was just amazing. I feel grateful that I was able to say goodbye because so many others were unable to. My last words to him were simply see ya then he was gone.