C 31st May 2015

Wed. I've been missing you a lot lately. That really hasn't changed much since March 28th. I know that I'm going to see you again. But the thing that's really hard to accept is that, I don't get to see you everyday. I don't get snap chatted by you every day this summer, I don't get to go to seven peaks with you this summer, I don't get to get anymore of your great hugs, and I won't get to see you physically. But I can't really change that. I don't know how I'm still going to do 9th grade with out you. I won't get to see you in the school plays. You had so much talent it was insane. You were always so kind to everyone. I know that I needed that friend that was going to back me up and be there for me. And you were that friend. I'm going to miss that. You can never be replaced ever. I recently took my end of year testing and the thing that hurt me the most is that they were story questions. And the name "Jon Wes Buckner" came up as one of the names for a question. It made me cry because I miss you so much. I love visiting your resting place/ grave. You mean a lot to me. I loved all of your jokes and even though they were perverted I would laugh so hard because they were so funny. I really admired your vocabulary because it was so big and all of the words that you used I had no idea what you meant but I just went a long with it when you were telling me stories. Just coping with what has happens is really hard. Thanks for all the jokes, intelligent words, piano playing, acting, singing, compliments, HUGS, obsession with sea animals(r specially whales and narwhals) and most of all. Thank you for all the amazing memories that you left with me here. I know that I can't really get any more of those things. But I have my memory and now that you have left me. All that I can do is use it and it makes me cry and be happy at the same time. I will never forget about you Wes. Because a piece of me left with you. Love you so much. Rest in peace. I'll see you soon.