em 29th May 2015

wes! hey buddy so it's been exactly 2 months since you left to be with your sweet heavenly father. 2 months since I received the worst news i ever have received in my whole life. 2 months since the day i cried for hours on end. 2 months since I felt something so deeply and was overwhelmed with emotion. and 2 months since my life was changed forever. whenever i think of your sweet, happy face, i always feel a little bit guilty for not being a better friend for you. wes i will never ever be able to express my gratitude towards you for being my friend. you changed my life more than any other friends of mine have. the first time i met you was at tori's christmas party. you yelled to me "hey! i know you!" even though we had never even met. from that moment i knew we would be friends, and of course we did become friends. we always embraced each other with the biggest hugs but after a couple months we stopped giving each other hugs. i regret that so much and just wish i could go back and make sure i gave you a big hug everyday. i always thought about you and i had so much hope for you and your future. it is still sinking in to me that you're gone and i know for a fact that i will never forget you. and i hope you never forget how much i love you. i hope your 2 months in heaven have been great and so much more peaceful for you. i look forward to seeing you again. i love you so much jon wesley buckner.